I have lived in the same house, here in Milwaukee’s 5th District, my whole life. My father purchased the property when it was the town of Granville. It’s has been a hobby farm. We used to have black Angus cows when I was growing up. I went to Milwaukee public schools and MATC. I took Automotive servicing along with mechanics and took auto body when I was in high school. I worked for Milwaukee County Highway Department, last year, plowing snow and doing highway maintenance, such as tarring and patching the road, repairing guard rails and cleaning up the roads.
I currently own my own sub-hauling business, hauling Insurance cars to auction. I ran for 5th District Alderperson in 2020 and Milwaukee County Supervisor District 18 in 2022. Willing to put residents first!
I worked at Kmart as an auto mechanic doing oil changing and tires as one of my first jobs then I got a job working at Bultman Trucking also as a mechanic. I also worked at Al’s Auto Sales. I owned Hollywood Knights Limousine Service that l did until the housing market crashed and people were not using limos like they did before. I went to work for Gessler Auto and then to Price transport. I work for Milwaukee County Highway Department, plowing snow and highway maintenance. We do a haunted cornfield in October, and I work as a sub hauler transporter. I’m willing to devote my time to our District if elected alderman to help make sure that our taxes don’t go up and that we don’t get charged extra fees, just because we live in the city. There’s a lot of people on fixed incomes that are retiring and do not have extra money to move somewhere else. Some love where they live and should not have to move because they cannot afford to stay.
The reason why I’m running for office is because I feel my neighbors were unfairly treated, when the city decided to approve a 300,000+ square foot warehouse, to be built directly behind their property (115th & good hope road). The city gave $2.4 million in TID funding, but there wasn’t going to be any city funding when Sam’s club wanted to build there.
When I went to go out and get signatures to be nominated to be an alderperson, I talked to a lot of different people in different areas of our district. There are a lot of people interested in seeing the roads and alleys repaired and are concerned about reckless driving, speeding, car break-in’s and stolen vehicles in the city, and would like more police presence.
I am not for expanding the streetcar with any city or TIF funding. A lot of people do not see all the other costs of running the streetcar like cleaning the tracks, especially when it snows, to make sure it does not derail, and a safety concerns is for bicyclists and motorcyclists that are on the route. We have enough other things that we need to fix like the water laterals to houses and other buildings, that have lead pipes. I’d be interested in finding a way that the city would have a pool of vehicles, that city departments could check out, so they wouldn’t have to go back and forth across town, like dump trucks, construction vehicles, even regular cars that can be used by different City Departments.